Category Archives: Crime Victim

Exploring Civil Remedies To Heal After A Crime
Crime victims do not always believe that criminal charges are enough, and often pursue additional justice avenues as a result. Often this is because the criminal justice process is lengthy and even when it is moving forward efficiently, it may not fully address the harm suffered by the victim. If you are interested in… Read More »

What Is Civil Litigation Following A Maryland Crime?
When a crime is committed in Maryland, the perpetrator is often subjected to criminal charges. Additionally, victims of the crime may pursue civil litigation against the perpetrator. This type of case moves forward in order for an individual to receive compensation for losses and damages as a result of the crime. Civil litigation is… Read More »

Baltimore Attorneys And Civil Remedies Following Criminal Acts
When a crime has been committed in Maryland, there could be the possibility of the crime victim seeking both criminal consequences and civil remedies. Separate from criminal proceedings, civil remedies are legal actions that are meant to provide compensation for the harm that has been suffered. To determine what civil remedies are in reach… Read More »

Is An Assault Charge The Same As A Domestic Violence Charge?
While assault can be a component of a domestic violence arrest, an assault charge is different from a domestic violence charge. Specifically, a domestic violence case is when the people involved in the altercation have relationships, often familial or romantic. When an assault takes place and the individuals involved live in the same home,… Read More »

Civil Remedies For Domestic Violence
Domestic violence cases can lead to civil and criminal legal actions in the state of Maryland. There are differences between the two. Criminal charges are related to charging an individual with breaking laws, in these situations the accuser becomes a state witness. But if a person is a victim of domestic violence and they… Read More »

Civil Remedies for Victims of Crime and Sexual Abuse
Taking legal action and filing a suit against a person who assaulted you or a loved one is an incredibly brave act. It can be intimidating for sexual assault victims to come forward. Every person who stands up for their rights and protects others from future violence is doing an admirable thing and the… Read More »

What Rights Do Sexual Assault Victims Have in Maryland?
The State of Maryland provides certain special rights to victims of sexual assault crimes, including immediate transportation and free medical treatment. These special rights exist in addition to other legal privileges, such as attending court proceedings, giving statements in court, or asking for restitution. Before discussing specific details, however, it will be helpful to… Read More »

How Do Protective & Peace Orders Help Maryland Crime Victims?
Protective and peace orders allow the Maryland courts to act in the interest of crime victims and other abused individuals. Essentially, these orders exist as a legal mechanism to halt further crimes or abuse. Though eligibility for either a protective or peace order depends on the relationship between the perpetrator and victim, if any…. Read More »

What is Restitution & How Does it Help Maryland Crime Victims?
Restitution is a type of compensation payment available to certain crime victims in Maryland. When a victim suffers harm or injury due to another person’s criminal or delinquent act, the Maryland courts may require restitution to compensate for the loss. Though Maryland law restricts restitution to specific eligible parties in limited circumstances. Who is… Read More »

Multiple Shootings in Baltimore Create 9 Crime Victims in One Night
A rash of shootings in Baltimore created nine crime victims in one night, according to an article by The Baltimore Sun. Two of those crime victims died as a result of the gunshot wounds. These shootings took place in multiple locations across Baltimore. The most violent of these incidents was a quadruple shooting that… Read More »