Category Archives: Nursing Home Injury

Malnourishment and Nursing Homes
Malnourishment can lead to serious health issues, including a decline in cognitive abilities, a weakening of the immune system, and an increased danger of falling. These issues can already be a problem for older adults who live in nursing homes. When there is malnourishment, health problems can become worse. There are times when health… Read More »

Understaffed Nursing Homes In Maryland and DC
If you have a family member in an assisted living facility or a nursing home, you know how difficult it can be. Worrying about someone you love can be stressful. It is important you trust the people who are caring for your loved one. When families sign contracts, they assume everything that was agreed… Read More »

Nursing Home Neglect Can Include Bedsores
You may also hear them called pressure ulcers, pressure sores, or decubitus ulcers, but the more common term for the open skin wound is bedsore. The injury occurs when the body weight of a person presses that individual’s skin into a surface that is hard. This could be a chair or a bed, for… Read More »

What is the Standard for Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect in Maryland?
When many people get older, they need the services of a nursing home to provide ongoing and specialized care. Given the reduced capacity of these residents, Maryland state law requires nursing homes to provide a high level of attention and care to their residents. If a nursing home abuses or neglects their residents, there… Read More »