Baltimore Car Wrecks In Neighborhoods

When car collisions happen, it is common for people to think of them happening far away, on a highway far from home. But in reality, many accidents happen close to where drivers live. When people are driving on their neighborhood streets, they may find themselves not closely paying attention, lulled into comfort by the familiarity of the roads. But it is important to stay attentive no matter where you are driving, car collisions often happen within a five minute drive from home.
Were you injured in a car crash in your own neighborhood? You are not alone, wrecks close to home are common. Compensation for your losses is possible, talk to a Baltimore car accident lawyer to understand your options.
Familiar Roads and Distracted Driving
Comfort is an asset of home, but when roads are so familiar that drivers begin to ignore traffic signals and take their attention from the road, collisions happen. Distracted driving can happen on every street or road, but there are times when drivers participate with distractions because they do not believe they will be in a wreck on the street where they live.
Activities to avoid:
- Talking on the phone while driving.
- Texting with family or sending work messages.
- Adjusting music.
- Grooming or applying makeup.
- Taking eyes off the road.
Some dangers are simply bad habits. For example, combing hair or putting on lipstick should be done before you get behind the wheel. When individuals are running late, they may think they can quickly and safely groom on their way to the highway, but any activity that takes a driver’s hands off the wheel and their eyes off the road carries risk.
There are benefits to familiar roads. If the weather changes abruptly a driver knows the twists and turns to watch out for, for example. But staying alert and not becoming too comfortable is still important.
Preventing Accident In Neighborhoods
Enjoy the comfort of your own neighborhood but balance that familiarity with an acknowledgment of potential dangers. There are always risks, even in quiet neighborhoods, including other drivers, bicyclists, pedestrians, and road deterioration.
While risks can’t always be avoided, drivers can remind themselves to merge slowly and with caution. Check blind spots and mirrors. They can also resist the urge to use mobile devices and practice patience at traffic signs and signals.
If there is an accident, report it to the police and ask for a copy of the official report, seek medical treatment, and ask for witness accounts if possible. Witnesses may be easier to find in one’s own street if the driver knows their neighbors. Then, talk to an attorney before launching the insurance process. A lawyer can work toward fair and just compensation .
Are you recovering from a car accident that happened close to home? Let our attorneys work toward a fair settlement for you and your family. Reach out to the legal team at Iamele & Iamele, LLP to understand your options. Contact us today for a free initial consultation.