Why You Should Report An Accident

After a Maryland car accident, reporting the crash is important. Sometimes people feel fine and don’t think they need to report the incident because they will not be filing for damage recovery. Then, an injury develops over time. When you report a crash and see a medical professional without delay, you are creating a paper trail that shows a direct correlation between the traffic incident and your injuries.
Additionally, there is the possibility of someone taking legal action against you at a later date. Reporting a Maryland accident means the facts of the matter will be documented. Then, if you need recovery or if you want to shield yourself from potential financial loss, you can connect with a skilled Baltimore personal injury lawyer who will collect the document that is in place and build the strongest case or defense, depending on the situation.
Fender Benders and Other Minor Collisions
While motorists aren’t required to file a report when an accident is minor, involving no physical harm and minimal property damage. But sometimes it can be difficult to know if the damage to the property is minimal and be sure there is not a physical injury that may come to light at a later date. Often it is best to simply file an official report that lists the circumstances of the accident anyway.
Even if another driver resists calling the authorities, move forward. Another driver may not want to report the incident because they do not carry an active insurance policy, they have substances that are illegal in their vehicle, or they are driving without a license. If a driver is desperate to not have police informed, they could offer you cash or leave the scene. Protect yourself and your future with a call to the police.
When you call, tell the operator where the accident took place, what your contact number is, and if any support is needed, such as someone needing physical care or a car that blocks the flow of traffic and needs to be towed.
You May Be Contractually Obligated to Contact Your Insurance
Beyond calling the police, it is likely there is language in your auto insurance policy that requires you to inform the insurance company of the accident. But while you may have a contractual obligation to talk to your own insurance company, you are not required to talk to insurance adjusters representing another vehicle operator involved in the collision. A seasoned Baltimore personal injury lawyer can handle all of your insurance negotiations for you. What facts were reported following your Maryland car accident? Whether you did report an accident or didn’t contact law enforcement and later suffered from delayed onset injuries, connect with an experienced lawyer who can guide you through the monetary damages process. Negotiating claims and taking disputes to court is what the compassionate attorneys at Iamele & Iamele, LLP do. To learn about the worth of your claim or take legal action, speak to a lawyer. Contact us for a free consultation.