What If I Wasn’t Wearing a Seatbelt During My Baltimore Car Accident?

Seat belts are required in the state of Maryland. Drivers must buckle up, whether they are driving a few miles to a local store or across the state to visit family and friends. If you are not wearing a seat blue you are increasing your risk of injury and it could complicate matters if there is a personal injury claim in the wake of an accident.
A Baltimore car accident lawyer is available if you or someone you care about was injured in a car accident. Compensation may be a possibility, even if you were not wearing a seat belt at the time of the collision. These cases can be complex, a legal professional can help you determine how to move forward.
It Is a Primary Offense to Drive Without a Seatbelt
If a law enforcement officer sees you driving without a seatbelt, they can pull you over for that offense. A ticket will likely be issued. Always wear a seat belt when driving or riding in a car or truck. The shoulder portion should fit correctly across your chest and not be under your arm and the belt portion should be snug across your lap. A ticket can be issued if seatbelts are not worn properly.
Why safety belts are important as protectors during car crashes:
- They help in preventing vehicular ejections.
- Snug fit ensures the driver and passengers are not thrown into windshields or dashboard.
- Driver maintains their driving position to stay in control of the vehicle.
Compensation Is Possible Even Without a Seat Belt
If another driver was at fault for your injuries, it was likely due to speeding, failing to stop at a red light, making an improper turn, not checking mirrors, tailgating, recklessness, or driving under the influence. Even if a victim’s failure to wear a seat belt was not the cause of a crash, an insurance company will likely point to that fact as a reason to reduce or deny a personal injury claim.
The above is particularly true in Maryland, a state that has contributory negligence in place. If the other party can prove their contributory negligence, there can be complexities to recovering damages. A Baltimore car accident lawyer can help.
Personal injury cases have many components. With a lawyer’s help you can secure compensation when possible. A lawyer needs to prove the at-fault driver had the duty to care for other drivers on the road, violated that duty by acting recklessly, was the cause for the event to occur, and created damages. The damages suffered could be physical, such as those requiring medical care, emotional, or financial. A financial damage could be the amount needed to replace a vehicle, for example.
Were you injured in a Baltimore car accident but were not wearing your seat belt at the time? You could be entitled to compensation, even if your seat belt was not clicked in. Contact the legal team at Iamele & Iamele, LLP to understand your options. Contact us today for a free initial consultation.