Things To Bring To An Initial Consultation

If you were hurt because of another’s reckless behavior, you may be juggling medical appointments and lifestyle changes. With so many things to attend to it can be difficult to prioritize legal guidance, but a professional can help you secure a full settlement package. As soon as it comes to mind, schedule a consultation with an attorney.
To get the most out of your initial meeting with a Baltimore personal injury lawyer, gather the documents you have in connection with the injurious event. Assessing the evidence you have will allow a lawyer to share with you the worth of your claim and what additional documentation may be needed.
Reports You Have and Records You Are Waiting On
Naturally, you may be in the throes of the process and not have every item on your list collected. That’s ok, your list itself is a great start to getting organized. Your list will likely include the following:
- Healthcare records
- Law enforcement reports
- Witness statements and their contact information
- Pay stubs or income documentation
- Insurance data and information
- Accident and injury pictures
These items give your attorney the big picture, such as what your life was like before the accident, how your daily life was impacted, and what your immediate and future financial needs are as a result of the injurious event.
It is common for injured parties to not have their complete medical records, for example. You may have bills for your first doctor visit but still be waiting for your health insurance company to determine your out-of-pocket fees for later visits. Don’t worry about this, simply bring the documentation you have, including the dates and services of care you have not yet been charged for. Your lawyer can help you expedite the process and access your full medical records which could have doctor notes on your diagnosis that could support your claim.
All Repair Assessments and Relevant Receipts
Sometimes injured parties spend a lot of time and energy trying to determine which costs could be eligible for compensation and which fees they themselves will be responsible for paying. To streamline the process, simply keep all bills and receipts connected to the accident. Your lawyer can inform you on which will be used moving forward.
A Baltimore personal injury lawyer can walk you through the process and will fight for the financial relief you need after a Maryland accident. The first offer you receive from an insurance company may be far lower than what you could achieve with a skilled attorney working for you, reach out today to learn more.
Are you preparing for your first meeting with a Maryland attorney and are not sure what to bring? Accident attorneys are here to support you throughout the process. If you have bills and expenses because of another’s negligence, connect with one of the attorneys at Iamele & Iamele, LLP to discuss a path forward. Our lawyers are committed to helping clients secure a full and fair settlement amount. Call 410-779-6160 today to schedule your no-cost consultation.