Strengthen Your Claim with Photography

Car accidents and other events where injuries are sustained can lead to personal injury claims. There are ways to strengthen a case, such as securing videos and photographs. Documentation is important as memories can fade and injurious events can be particularly traumatic.
After an injury in the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan area, a Baltimore personal injury lawyer can walk you through all that is needed to win your case. Reviewing your case allows an experienced attorney to assess compensation options.
How to Take Strong Photos of an Accident Site
Photographs can provide important documentation, establishing what type of property damage happened, if there were conditions that contributed, what physical harm was sustained, and any weather concerns.
Too often, victims do not photograph the accident site itself, but that is an important element when insurance company adjusters and lawyers review documentation. After all, it helps them to reconstruct the event. When you talk to a Baltimore personal injury lawyer, they can let you know what type of imagery works best to secure compensation. Some of the tips they might suggest after a car crash include the following:
- Both the outside and inside of the car should be photographed.
- Take many, many shots, it helps to have options and additional viewpoints.
- Secure a mix of close-ups, wide angles, and views of the entire site.
- Document traffic signals and road conditions.
- Be sure your digital device is recording the correct date and time, writing down dates and times can also be helpful.
- Physical injuries should be photographed, your own and if possible, with permission, the injuries of others.
As you document, noice any paint that is disrupted. If some paint from one car is on the other car, it can illustrate the point of impact. Also document damaged parts or broken glass and be sure to back up photos so they are not lost when it is time to connect with an attorney.
Other Forms of Documentation Can Also Secure a Claim
If you do not have photographs from an accident or event, it may still be possible to build a strong case. Do not forfeit your rights. Taking photos of an accident site is not legally required. You have a right to compensation, with or without pictures.
See a doctor or healthcare professional to have any injuries assessed and then connect with a knowledgeable attorney to establish a path forward. There is likely other evidence that can be gathered to secure your claim and result in a maximum settlement amount.
Even if you are not in a situation that will end up in court, you can still benefit from the counsel of an experienced attorney. Legal professionals know how to negotiate with insurance companies. Do not agree to a settlement amount with an insurance adjuster until you have discussed the terms with a lawyer.
Do you have images from a car accident in which you sustained injuries? Talk to the legal team at Iamele & Iamele, LLP. With years of experience, our attorneys successfully secure compensation for personal injury victims. Contact us today for a free initial consultation.