Premises Liability Laws Impose A Duty Of Care

The safety of individuals relies on a lot of different factors, including spaces having adequate security measures. If a property owner or manager does not prioritize safety and inadequate security results in harm, legal action could be possible.
If you were the victim of a criminal incident that resulted in you being injured and you believe you have a right to justice, have a conversation with a Baltimore personal injury lawyer. Seasoned attorneys are available to compassionately listen to how your injury was sustained and inform you of your options moving forward. If you were hurt due to low or no security, there are Maryland laws and legal precedents designed to protect your rights.
Liability for Criminal Harm
Inadequate security measures refer to failures on the part of responsible parties, such as managers who are tasked with safety responsibilities, to implement reasonable precautions to prevent criminal activity on their premises. Each property has its own danger areas, but some ignored risks could include insufficient lighting, broken locks, lack of security personnel or surveillance cameras, and failure to conduct background checks on employees or tenants.
When property owners neglect their safety responsibilities they could be held liable for any criminal incidents that occur as a result. Because of this, premise liability cases arise when individuals are injured or harmed due to dangerous conditions on someone else’s property. Many cases are connected to slip and fall accidents and physical hazards, but criminal incidents, such as a business failing to provide security and a customer being assaulted, can also lead to a claim.
In Maryland and all US states, there is a duty to take reasonable steps to prevent foreseeable criminal activity. So if a person in charge of a property is told about a danger and does not take the steps they should to remedy the situation, a failure in their duty can result in legal liability for any injuries or damages that occur, including those involving criminal incidents.
Property Owners Need to Be Aware of Their Legal Obligations
If you are a Baltimore business owner, take proactive steps to ensure the safety of individuals. Both property owners who want to learn more about how to shield themselves from liability and victims of criminal incidents can benefit from legal support. Bring your question to a Baltimore personal injury lawyer to learn more about Maryland law and how victims hold negligent property owners accountable for their actions.
A full comprehension of state rules and legal precedents related to negligent security means you can make informed decisions. There are ways for individuals to protect their rights and hold negligent parties accountable.
Should you hold a business responsible for a security failure? Inadequate security measures can have serious consequences, leading to harm to innocent victims. Property owners must fulfill their duty of care to maintain safe premises, and victims have the right to seek legal recourse if they don’t. Share the details of your situation with the skilled attorneys at Iamele & Iamele, LLP. Then, a path forward can be strategized. Contact us today to schedule a fee-free consultation.