Harm As A Result Of A Delayed Or Missed Diagnosis

It is a sad reality that medical mistakes happen, and diagnostic errors are one of the most common. A range of diagnostic missteps can fall under this umbrella, including when an important diagnosis is delayed, missed, or the wrong illness or injury is treated. You need to be treated promptly for healthcare concerns in order to achieve the best results possible.
Maryland medical malpractice cases can have a lot of details and deadlines that need to be attended to, and a Baltimore personal injury lawyer has the background and expertise to navigate the process successfully. Wrong and missed medical care can be extremely stressful, you need to take care of yourself and your family without worrying about health expenses. Settlement awards can help alleviate financial worries.
Things that Need to Be True for a Successful Medical Error Claim
There are a lot of complexities when it comes to healthcare. Multiple doctors can be involved in your treatment, for example. When things do not go as expected, that does not immediately mean a medical malpractice claim is possible. In order for a medical mistake to be successful, there needs to be proof a physician did not follow their legal duty of care.
Some of the questions that need to be answered:
- Should the physician have recognized the issue? When there is evidence that your health should have been assessed differently, given the data, there may be a path to compensation. This is also true if it can be proven that the correct information could have been accessed if the appropriate tests had been ordered.
- Is your health issue a direct result of the healthcare provider’s mistake? To recover losses through a medical malpractice action, the harm you sustain has to be connected to the doctor error.
- Are there timelines that need to be followed? Each state has a statute of limitation in place for medical malpractice claims. It is important for you to move toward compensation before your right to file has sun-setted. Recognize that the start of the timeline will depend on your situation. For example, some medical malpractice deadlines start at the date the injury was sustained while others start when the harm is discovered.
If you have questions about the possibility of pursuing a medical claim or case, bring your inquiries to the attention of a Baltimore personal injury lawyer. If there is documentation of a missed or wrong diagnosis, an attorney can promptly begin the process of financial recovery.
Are you suspicious of the medical care you received and believe a wrong diagnosis is to blame for your ongoing health issues? A seasoned Maryland attorney will look over your case and if there is evidence of a medical error, they will fight for the compensation you and your family need. Share your healthcare story with the compassionate personal injury attorneys at Iamele & Iamele, LLP in Baltimore, Maryland. Legal professionals will advise you on the settlement options for your unique claim or case. To learn more, contact us for a free consultation.