Car Accidents And Vehophobia

Dramatic, immediate impacts of car accidents are topics of discussion between friends and neighbors, but there can be long-term issues that are often less discussed. Some of these could be physical, or mental, or a mix of both. For instance, some experience vehophobia after a Maryland car crash.
Following a car collision, you may be in a situation where mental health issues are interfering with your daily life. Talk through your mental health expenses, physical recovery fees, and lost wages with a Baltimore personal injury lawyer. With the right support, physical, mental, and financial recovery could be possible.
What Is Vehophobia?
A fear of being in a motor vehicle after an accident, vehophobia can manifest for a driver who was involved in a collision, any of the passengers of the vehicle, or for individuals who witnessed a crash. The level of anxiety and discomfort will depend on the circumstances and the individual. For some, vehophobia is something to overcome with time and patience. But for others it is debilitating and chronic.
Examples of vehophobia symptoms:
- Panic and sweating
- Increase in heart rate
- Trembling and nausea
- Loss of control fears
- Repeated nightmares
- Never driving or entering vehicles
- Refusing to ride or drive in particular areas, such as near the accident site or on highways.
For some, there are a combination of symptoms. You may be too fearful to drive but still travel as a car passenger but when you become stressed about the surrounding environment, you push a phantom brake pedal on the passenger side of the vehicle, for example.
If your vehophobia is due to a recent collision and involves intrusive thoughts, it could be diagnosed by a mental health professional as a form of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Are There Paths to Recovery?
Yes. When you share your situation with your doctor, they will likely refer you to a psychologist or psychiatrist to receive treatment, which could include cognitive behavioral therapy and other paths to healing.
A type of talk therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy is a process that allows accident victims to reframe their thoughts. Essentially giving you back a feeling of control over your life as many phobias and anxiety experiences are connected to feeling scared and not having control over your surroundings.
Once you and your support team believe you are ready, a defensive driving course may be beneficial. A drivers education course for individuals who are experienced, a defensive driving course can improve your driving skills, teaching you strategies to keep yourself and others safe on Maryland roads and highways.
Are you seeking professional help to assist you in boosting your confidence surrounding driving after an auto accident? Defensive driving course fees could be part of your injury settlement. Discuss your medical fees and costs connected to emotional distress with the legal team at Iamele & Iamele, LLP. A better future could be in reach, share the facts of your case with our attorneys so that we can strategize a path to a favorable outcome. Contact us to book your initial appointment.