Baltimore County Police Officer Charged with Sexually Assaulting Three Women

A Baltimore County police officer faces multiple sexual assault charges after allegedly assaulting three female crime victims, according to an article by The Baltimore Sun. Due to the severity of these charges, the police officer’s request for bail was denied.
The authorities began investigating this police officer after processing several allegations of sexual misconduct in recent months. The authorities arrested the police officer in question on Saturday, December 7th. Formal charges came a day later, spanning several charges of felony rape and misdemeanor sexual assault.
According to court documents, the first assault allegedly occurred on October 4, 2017. That is when the police officer found a 22-year-old woman intoxicated and asleep in her car outside of a bar. The police officer promised to arrange a ride to take the woman back to her home. Instead, he took the woman back to his apartment and allegedly raped her.
The next incident allegedly occurred on June 8, 2019. At that point, the police officer was having alcoholic drinks at his apartment with a 20-year-old female friend. The female friend was well-acquainted with the police officer, describing him as basically a family member. But after the 20-year-old woman passed out in the guest bedroom, the police officer allegedly raped her.
The third incident allegedly occurred two weeks later. At that time, the police officer was attending a friend’s birthday party. During that event, the police officer allegedly took a 22-year-old woman to a secluded area. Then the police officer allegedly and repeatedly tried to grope and kiss the woman.
In all three of these alleged incidents, the victims did not come forward immediately to report their claims. The victims were scared of the potential repercussions of reporting sexual assault claims against a police officer. But eventually, all three victims came forward and provided official statements to law enforcement.
On the basis of the victims’ statements, the Special Victims Unit conducted a thorough investigation and ultimately, filed charges against the police officer. Additionally, the Baltimore County Police Department Criminal Investigations Bureau also investigated this matter, eventually suspending the police officer without pay.
At this point, the police officer remains in custody at the Baltimore County Detention Center. As the police officer’s request for bail was denied, he will remain in custody until his legal case plays out in court. Depending on the outcome of his legal case and other investigations, the police officer could face additional discipline from the Baltimore County Police Department as well.
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