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4 Helpful Tips for Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim in Maryland


Maryland enacted workers’ compensation laws to address work-related injuries. If an employee suffers an injury while performing their work duties, then workers’ compensation may be able to provide compensation for medical bills, lost wages and other benefits. The Maryland Workers’ Compensation Commission (the Commission) administers this process, establishing rules and guidelines for workers’ compensation claims.

  1. Application Process for Maryland Workers’ Compensation Claims

After suffering a work-related injury, eligible workers can file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits. The injured worker can file their claim for benefits by:

  • Printing and mailing a completed paper form; or
  • Completing and submitting an online application.

In either case, the injured worker must sign their application for workers’ compensation benefits. Their signature indicates that the information submitted is true and accurate to the best of the injured worker’s knowledge.

  1. Required Information for Maryland Workers’ Compensation Claims

When filing a claim for workers’ compensation in Maryland, the injured must include the following information:

  • Full name;
  • Permanent address;
  • Date of birth;
  • Nature and extent of injury suffered;
  • Date of injury or discovery of occupational disease;
  • Circumstances of injury or occupational disease; and
  • Employer’s company name and address.

If the injured worker does not provide all of the information above, the Commission may reject the application for workers’ compensation benefits.

  1. Medical Disclosures for Maryland Workers’ Compensation Claims

All applicants for workers’ compensation in Maryland must sign an authorization form for the disclosure of medical records. The injured worker must allow certain parties access to relevant medical records, including documents related to the nature and extent of the injury in question. Specifically, the following parties need access to relevant medical records:

  • The injured worker’s attorney;
  • The injured worker’s employer; and
  • The employer’s insurance company.

That being said, the injured worker can revoke this authorization at any time. The injured worker simply needs to prepare and sign a writing that expressly revokes the authorization for disclosure of medical records. Then the injured worker must deliver the signed writing to the parties listed above.

  1. Social Security Numbers and Maryland Workers’ Compensation Claims

The Commission asks all workers’ compensation applicants to include their Social Security number. But this is a voluntary disclosure. The applicant is not required to list their Social Security number in order to obtain workers’ compensation benefits.

If an injured worker decides to include their Social Security number on a workers’ compensation application, Maryland law places restrictions on the use of that information. Specifically, the Commission is only allowed to use an applicant’s Social Security number in order to:

  • Verify the applicant’s wages or earnings;
  • Confirm the applicant’s identity;
  • Validate the applicant’s medical history;
  • Administer workers’ compensation laws;
  • Collect past-due child support payments; or
  • Enforce child support orders from a state or federal court.

Do You Need Legal Help?

If you need to file a workers’ compensation claim in Maryland, it can be eminently beneficial to reach out to an adept workers’ compensation attorney. The attorneys at Iamele & Iamele, LLP in Baltimore, Maryland, have proven capabilities in the arena of workers’ compensation, helping clients file claims and secure benefits. If you need legal help, contact us today for a free initial consultation.

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Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: 410-779-6160
Email Us: Aiamele@IameleLaw.com


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