When You Report To Your Insurance Company, Your Protecting Yourself

Car wrecks lead to a lot of confusion, and taking care of your own health and the health of those you care about needs to be a top priority. But at some point, maybe after you have talked to the police officers at the scene and visited an urgent care center to have a physical injury assessed, you will need to connect with your auto insurance company and let them know a crash occurred.
When you are nervous about what to say to insurance representatives, reach out to talk with a legal expert and explore the best path forward. A Baltimore personal injury lawyer can take care of insurance discussions for you while you focus on other areas of your accident recovery.
Ways Informing Your Insurance Company Will Help You
You don’t have to, and likely shouldn’t, talk about the details of a recent car crash you were involved in with the insurance representatives of another driver’s auto insurance policy. But informing your own policyholder of the event is a step to protecting you from premium increases, shielding you from legal action, and initiating the process of having your accident expenses paid.
Whether your car accident was minor or severe, here are the reasons why you should let your insurance company know about the event:
- Reporting the accident to your insurance company starts the claims process and protects your right to receive coverage for damages.
- Once your insurance company is aware of the event, they can begin their investigation and gather evidence to support your claim.
- Because there is a time limit for reporting accidents, informing an insurance adjuster of the incident means deadlines won’t be missed.
- Medical coverage after a physical injury can be immediately assessed, ensuring that any necessary medical care is covered by your policy.
- If another was at fault, reporting the accident to your insurance company means they will be held responsible for their actions.
- Maintaining a good driving record and open communications with your policyholder could help you in avoiding rate increases in the future.
Being honest with your insurance company is essential. When you talk to them, stick to the facts and do not agree to any settlement terms you do not understand. Professionals are available to guide you, if needed.
An Attorney Can Review Your Policy
Hiring a Baltimore personal injury lawyer means an expert is on your side, to review your policy and other policies involved in the collision as well as making sure the appropriate paperwork is filed completely and on time.
Are you waffling about when to call your insurance company after a Baltimore car accident and what you should say when you do? Speak to an attorney about your car accident recovery questions. The lawyers at Iamele & Iamele, LLP can advise you on next steps and take care of discussions for you, if you choose to work with a legal team throughout your personal injury claim. Make an informed decision, schedule a free consultation to learn more, call 410-779-6160.