Hand Injuries And Maryland Accident Recovery

It is common for individuals to use their hands everyday without a second thought. Your hands may hold your morning cup of tea or be used to type your first email of the day. But there are people who injure their hands or wrists in accidents and they are no longer able to use their hands in the same way for months or years following the injurious event.
Specialists may be required in order for you to heal from a hand injury, which can lead to high medical fees. Many individuals who suffer from hand injuries find themselves suffering from lost wages as well, as so many jobs rely on healthy hands and wrists. To determine how much your claim is worth, share the details of your Maryland accident injury with a Baltimore personal injury lawyer.
Different Types of Hand Injury Compensation Claims
The human hand is an amazing part of the body. Your hand has 19 bones and a complex collection of muscles, tendons, nerves and joints. In order for your hand to move fully and perform intricate, delicate tasks, every part of the hand and wrist need to be working well. When there are cuts, broken bones, or burns as a result of an accident, harm to the hand can be severe.
Hand injuries could occur in any of the following:
- Auto and truck crashes
- Motorcycle collisions
- Bicycle accidents
- Workplace accidents
- Pedestrian collisions or hit and runs
- Slip, trips, or falls
- Escalator or stair accidents
- Attacks, assaults, and battery
- Negligent property accidents
Harm to the nerves and ligaments of the hand can be painful and emotionally distressing. Whatever your injury is, connect with a legal professional to discuss recovery options. You may need the funds to access the healthcare you need following an accident.
Loss of Movement and Regaining Full Motion
Each type of hand injury will have its own unique considerations and treatment plans. If there is harm to the tendons, for instance, it is possible the victim will experience a loss of motion. If the movement can be regained will depend on the severity of the harm.
Whether your hand was hurt because a negligent driver was distracted and caused an auto accident or your workplace did not properly maintain heavy machinery, you need a lawyer fighting for your rights. Determining fault is part of the process and a Baltimore personal injury lawyer may be able to gather evidence to prove you were not the at-fault party, even if an insurance adjuster is currently suggesting you are to blame. Your claim may not be simple, but professionals know how to address complications.
Were you in a car crash in which your hand or wrist was injured? Accident injuries can lead to medical expenses, connect with one of the attorneys at Iamele & Iamele, LLP to explore your compensation options. Our lawyers are committed to helping clients through the personal injury claims process and securing a full and fair settlement amount. Call 410-779-6160 today to schedule your no-cost consultation.